Agenda de l'environnementTechnical Meeting on the Establishment of a Radioactive Waste Management Organization
Publicité agenda de l'environnement
type d'évènement: Journées techniques
date: 07/06/2010
thème de l'évènement: Déchets
durée: 3 jours
tarif: Inconnu
description de l'évènement: The Technical Meeting on the Establishment of a Radioactive Waste Management Organization is organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency
in cooperation with ASN-Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire, ANDRA-Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs and MEEDDM-Ministére de l’Ecologie, de l’Énergie, du Développement durable et de la Mer (France) The objectives of the Technical Meeting on the Establishment of a Radioactive Waste Management Organization are to: • Provide a forum to participants from Member States to discuss with experts from Joint Convention (JC) Contracting Parties implementation measures for the establishment of national organizations for the management of radioactive waste in the framework of national policies and strategies • Discuss the mission and responsibilities of such national organizations • Exchange information on the challenges faced by new organizations for the management of radioactive waste • Exchange information on experience with the relationship between the Government, Regulatory Authorities and organizations for the management of radioactive waste • Exchange views and strategies on informing the public • Discuss initiatives in international and multinational cooperation • Visit to a radioactive waste disposal site in France.
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